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Shall we … together (2,5+ and senior citizens)

Dance performance for children from 2,5 years old and senior citizens |

tout petit | Belgium |

» Content Note Relaxed Performance

Shall we … laugh, watch and play together?

This site-specific performance focuses on the encounter. The encounter between two dancers balancing each other, but also the encounter between young children, adults and senior citizens. After all, they enjoy a dance performance together. A performance in which two dancers challenge each other to push boundaries.

Throughout the performance, the encounter grows. At the start, the audience takes seats facing each other, the stage surface with the two dancers lies between them. In this way, the audience does not only watch the dancers, they also watch each other. After the performance, the audience are brought together during an interactive moment for play.

They explore together. 

tout petit is a production house that has been creating dance productions for a young audience since 2013. tout petit is unique in Flanders and plays a special role in Europe. The company makes the fundamental choice to create dance for young children, pushing artistic boundaries. tout petit places the dialogue between scenography, dance, and music at the forefront of its work. www.toutpetit.be 

Choreography: Ilke Teerlinck
Dance: Ilke Teerlinck, Gold Mayanga
Music: Koen Brouwers
Scenography: Erki De Vries
Movement advice and dramaturgy: Lies Cuyvers, Ciska Vanhoyland, Iñaki Azpillaga

Premiere: September 10th, 2022

Duration: 25 minutes, interactive part 20 minutes

Without spoken language. Both venues are wheelchair accessible.

Production: tout petit, MoMeNT and cultuurcentrum Hasselt. With the support of the city of Hasselt. Many thanks to deRUIMTE.

The performances at FRATZ 2024 are supported by the Departement Cultuur, Jeugd & Media of the Flemish government.

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/760560355


Photos: Shall we ... together | tout petit ©WieBa Photography & Laure-Ann Iserief