FRATZ International
Encounters | Symposium | Festival
October 23rd to 26th & November 6th to 9th, 2020
In 2020 the festival and the symposium for professional guests all revolved around the theme of contemporary dance for the youngest audience.
Les Sols (1 ½+) is an experimental-choreographic project by shifts – art in movement (DE / FR), which attempts to create a shared sensory experience space for the youngest and their adults. THE BURROW (3+) by choreographer Isabelle Schad (DE) is inspired by Kafka's story of an animal in its underground caves and corridors. For FRATZ Festival the production was adapted for children from 3 years and older. fragile (3+) by Theater o.N. and Clébio Oliveira deals with age and childhood. With "fragile" Theater o.N shows its first work as part of the »Offensive Tanz für junges Publikum«. The program is completed by two mobile pieces: i... livin' space (0+) by Theater o.N./Andreas Pichler is dedicated to a musical and dance investigation of human and animal development from birth to death. Verwandelt! [Transformed!] (3+) by GRIPS Theater uses everyday materials to question various facets of transformation.
THE BURROW - Group / Kids (3+)

Performance, 3 years and up | Isabelle Schad (Germany) | A stage full of black bags. Slowly, they come to life, stand upright, move around, explore the space. Suddenly an arm appears, then a leg and finally an entire person....more
fragile (3+)

Performance | Offensive Tanz für junges Publikum & Clébio Oliveira (Germany) | Big and strong, at last – how amazing we imaged adulthood to be when we were children! But what is that even supposed to mean, to be big and...more
Les Sols (1½+)

Experimental Choreographic Project, 9 months and up | shifts – art in movement (France / Germany) | »And what if everything was already there, and that the path towards spectatorhood was not to educate the eye, but simply to...more
Trilogy I: i ... livin' space (+0)

A mobile music and dance performance for all ages | Who am I? In the first part of the trilogy, Andreas Pichler and Julie Peters dedicate themselves to a dance and musical investigation of different habitats such as forests,...more
Verwandelt! [Transformed!] (3+)

Ensemble production, ages 3 and up | GRIPS Theater (Germany) | In the theater, we love the joy of transformation. But what exactly happens when we transform? All over the world, transformations surround us. Plants, people and...more
Symposium: Race – Class – Gender.
Intersectional Perspectives in Dance and Theater for the Youngest
How will race, class and gender be represented - on stage, backstage, in the content and the mediation for (very) young audiences? Do we reproduce existing power structures by trying to break them up? How do dance and theater succeed at eye level?
These were the questions and topics of the FRATZ Symposium 2020 in co-production with »Offensive Tanz für junges Publikum Berlin«.
Parts of the program were recorded and can be found on their respective page or as a complete overview here.
Events of the Symposium
- Anarchie ≠ Chaos – Un:gleichheit
Creative multi-generational workshop - FRATZ Research Laboratories 2020
- » The Superpowers of the so far not-celebrated Super-heroines« with Caroline Alves (BR), Iury Salustiano Trojaborg (BR/DK/DE), Mareike Jung (DE)
- »TAH DAM! (together at home, dance and music)« in cooperation with MusicDance Cape Town and ASSITEJ South Africa
- »Skin-Tone« by Joshua Alabi and KiNiNso Koncepts, Lagos, Nigeria
- Panel: Touching Utopia: Learning and Teaching New Relations
Panel discussion with founders of different local initiatives with the common goal to create real spaces of change (Mikros Dounias, Nasheeka Nedsreal, Tebogo Nimindé-Dundadengar and Anne Sophie Winkelmann) - Playing with Authority
Continuation of the conference Dance and Racism – The Other Body (by Tanzkomplizen and Nora Amin as part of the Offensive Tanz für junges Publikum) - FRATZ Atelier: where many birds sing
- Landing Sessions with Shelley Etkin
- Performance: »CAN TOUCH THIS [Einige Von Uns]« by performing:group
- Panel: Small, but Mighty! (Recording)
Chographers about the work for (very) young audiences with Florian Bilbao, Malgven Gerbes, shifts – art in movement, Jasmin İhraç, Milla Koistinen, Isabelle Schad
Artistic Direction and Concept Symposium: Dagmar Domrös, Doreen Markert, Vera Strobel
Co-Conception Symposium: Marie Yan
FRATZ Encounters, Theatre Education: Cindy Ehrlichmann, Kathleen Rappolt, Johanna Gerosch
Production Management: Katharina Bischoff, Marit Buchmeier, Lisanne Grotz
Technical Direction: Robert Lange
Direction Digital Symposium: Hannes Raphael
Ticketing and Accreditation: Kata Kovács
Contact Daycare Groups: Annea Lounatvuori
Design: Annea Lounatvuori, Anna Schröder
Technical Team: Cathy Walsh, Felix Unger
Artist Care: Selma Böhmelmann, Gosia Gajdemska, Kathleen Rappolt, Imma Scarpato
Press: fellow media
Photography: David Beecroft
Translation to English: Lydia Baldwin
Translation to German: Julia Schell | für Kunst und Komma
Layout: Sabine Klopfleisch
FRATZ International 2020 is initiated by Theater o.N.
In cooperation with GRIPS Theater Berlin and Kulturprojekte Berlin.
With kind support of Familienzentrum Adalbertstraße (Kreuzberg), Podewil (Mitte), Tanzhalle Wiesenburg (Wedding).
The symposium is being held in coproduction with the project »Offensive Tanz für junges Publikum Berlin«, which started in January 2020 and combines the activities of four partners in the field of dance – PURPLE International Dance Festival for Young Audiences, TANZKOMPLIZEN, Theater Strahl and Theater o.N. |
Supported by the State of Berlin – Senate Department for Culture and Europe | The »Offensive Tanz für junges Publikum« by TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as well as the State of Berlin with funds from the Senate Department for Culture and Europe. | With kind support of Institut français and the French Ministry of Culture / DGCA within the framework of Objets & Marionnettes Fokus 2020.
Mediapartner: tip Berlin